Dataset API =========== Forest Dataset -------------- The ``ForestDataset`` class is a wrapper around data needed to sample one or more tree ensembles. Its core elements are * **Covariates**: Features / variables used to partition the forests. Stored internally as a (column-major) ``Eigen::MatrixXd``. * **Basis**: *[Optional]* basis vector used to define a "leaf regression" --- a partitioned linear model where covariates define the partitions and basis defines the regression variables. Also stored internally as a (column-major) ``Eigen::MatrixXd``. * **Sample Weights**: *[Optional]* case weights for every observation in a training dataset. These may be heteroskedastic variance parameters or simply survey / case weights. Stored internally as an ``Eigen::VectorXd``. .. doxygenclass:: StochTree::ForestDataset :project: StochTree :members: Random Effects Dataset ---------------------- The ``RandomEffectsDataset`` class is a wrapper around data needed to sample one or more tree ensembles. Its core elements are * **Basis**: Vector of variables that have group-specific random coefficients. In the simplest additive group random effects model, this is a constant intercept of all ones. Stored internally as a (column-major) ``Eigen::MatrixXd``. * **Group Indices**: Integer-valued indices of group membership. In a model with three groups, these indices would typically be 0, 1, and 2 (remapped from perhaps more descriptive labels in R or Python). Stored internally as an ``std::vector`` of integers. * **Sample Weights**: *[Optional]* case weights for every observation in a training dataset. These may be heteroskedastic variance parameters or simply survey / case weights. Stored internally as an ``Eigen::VectorXd``. .. doxygenclass:: StochTree::RandomEffectsDataset :project: StochTree :members: Other Classes and Types ----------------------- .. doxygenenum:: StochTree::FeatureType :project: StochTree