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This vignette demonstrates how to use the bart() function for Bayesian supervised learning (Chipman, George, and McCulloch (2010)), with an additional “variance forest,” for modeling conditional variance (see Murray (2021)). To begin, we load the stochtree package.

Demo 1: Variance-Only Simulation (simple DGP)


Here, we generate data with a constant (zero) mean and a relatively simple covariate-modified variance function.

y=0+σ2(X)ϵσ2(X)={0.25X10 and X1<0.251X10.25 and X1<0.54X10.5 and X1<0.759X10.75 and X1<1X1,,XpU(0,1)ϵ𝒩(0,1)\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} y &= 0 + \sigma^2(X) \epsilon\\ \sigma^2(X) &= \begin{cases} 0.25 & X_1 \geq 0 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.25\\ 1 & X_1 \geq 0.25 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.5\\ 4 & X_1 \geq 0.5 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.75\\ 9 & X_1 \geq 0.75 \text{ and } X_1 < 1\\ \end{cases}\\ X_1,\dots,X_p &\sim \text{U}\left(0,1\right)\\ \epsilon &\sim \mathcal{N}\left(0,1\right) \end{aligned} \end{equation*}

# Generate the data
n <- 500
p_x <- 10
X <- matrix(runif(n*p_x), ncol = p_x)
f_XW <- 0
s_XW <- (
    ((0 <= X[,1]) & (0.25 > X[,1])) * (0.5) + 
    ((0.25 <= X[,1]) & (0.5 > X[,1])) * (1) + 
    ((0.5 <= X[,1]) & (0.75 > X[,1])) * (2) + 
    ((0.75 <= X[,1]) & (1 > X[,1])) * (3)
y <- f_XW + rnorm(n, 0, 1)*s_XW

# Split data into test and train sets
test_set_pct <- 0.2
n_test <- round(test_set_pct*n)
n_train <- n - n_test
test_inds <- sort(sample(1:n, n_test, replace = FALSE))
train_inds <- (1:n)[!((1:n) %in% test_inds)]
X_test <-[test_inds,])
X_train <-[train_inds,])
W_test <- NULL
W_train <- NULL
y_test <- y[test_inds]
y_train <- y[train_inds]
f_x_test <- f_XW[test_inds]
f_x_train <- f_XW[train_inds]
s_x_test <- s_XW[test_inds]
s_x_train <- s_XW[train_inds]

Sampling and Analysis


We first sample the σ2(X)\sigma^2(X) ensemble using “warm-start” initialization (He and Hahn (2023)). This is the default in stochtree.

num_gfr <- 10
num_burnin <- 0
num_mcmc <- 100
num_trees <- 20
a_0 <- 1.5
num_samples <- num_gfr + num_burnin + num_mcmc
bart_params <- list(num_trees_mean = 0, num_trees_variance = num_trees, 
                    sample_sigma_global = F, sample_sigma_leaf = F)
bart_model_warmstart <- stochtree::bart(
    X_train = X_train, y_train = y_train, X_test = X_test, 
    num_gfr = num_gfr, num_burnin = num_burnin, num_mcmc = num_mcmc, 
    params = bart_params

Inspect the MCMC samples

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_warmstart$sigma_x_hat_test), s_x_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "standard deviation function")


We now sample the σ2(X)\sigma^2(X) ensemble using MCMC with root initialization (as in Chipman, George, and McCulloch (2010)).

num_gfr <- 0
num_burnin <- 1000
num_mcmc <- 100
num_samples <- num_gfr + num_burnin + num_mcmc
bart_params <- list(num_trees_mean = 0, num_trees_variance = 50, 
                    sample_sigma_global = F, sample_sigma_leaf = F)
bart_model_mcmc <- stochtree::bart(
    X_train = X_train, y_train = y_train, X_test = X_test, 
    num_gfr = num_gfr, num_burnin = num_burnin, num_mcmc = num_mcmc, 
    params = bart_params

Inspect the MCMC samples

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_mcmc$sigma_x_hat_test), s_x_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "standard deviation function")

Demo 2: Variance-Only Simulation (complex DGP)


Here, we generate data with a constant (zero) mean and a more complex covariate-modified variance function.

y=0+σ2(X)ϵσ2(X)={0.25X32X10 and X1<0.251X32X10.25 and X1<0.54X32X10.5 and X1<0.759X32X10.75 and X1<1X1,,XpU(0,1)ϵ𝒩(0,1)\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} y &= 0 + \sigma^2(X) \epsilon\\ \sigma^2(X) &= \begin{cases} 0.25X_3^2 & X_1 \geq 0 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.25\\ 1X_3^2 & X_1 \geq 0.25 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.5\\ 4X_3^2 & X_1 \geq 0.5 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.75\\ 9X_3^2 & X_1 \geq 0.75 \text{ and } X_1 < 1\\ \end{cases}\\ X_1,\dots,X_p &\sim \text{U}\left(0,1\right)\\ \epsilon &\sim \mathcal{N}\left(0,1\right) \end{aligned} \end{equation*}

# Generate the data
n <- 500
p_x <- 10
X <- matrix(runif(n*p_x), ncol = p_x)
f_XW <- 0
s_XW <- (
    ((0 <= X[,1]) & (0.25 > X[,1])) * (0.5*X[,3]) + 
    ((0.25 <= X[,1]) & (0.5 > X[,1])) * (1*X[,3]) + 
    ((0.5 <= X[,1]) & (0.75 > X[,1])) * (2*X[,3]) + 
    ((0.75 <= X[,1]) & (1 > X[,1])) * (3*X[,3])
y <- f_XW + rnorm(n, 0, 1)*s_XW

# Split data into test and train sets
test_set_pct <- 0.2
n_test <- round(test_set_pct*n)
n_train <- n - n_test
test_inds <- sort(sample(1:n, n_test, replace = FALSE))
train_inds <- (1:n)[!((1:n) %in% test_inds)]
X_test <-[test_inds,])
X_train <-[train_inds,])
W_test <- NULL
W_train <- NULL
y_test <- y[test_inds]
y_train <- y[train_inds]
f_x_test <- f_XW[test_inds]
f_x_train <- f_XW[train_inds]
s_x_test <- s_XW[test_inds]
s_x_train <- s_XW[train_inds]

Sampling and Analysis


We first sample the σ2(X)\sigma^2(X) ensemble using “warm-start” initialization (He and Hahn (2023)). This is the default in stochtree.

num_gfr <- 10
num_burnin <- 0
num_mcmc <- 100
num_samples <- num_gfr + num_burnin + num_mcmc
bart_params <- list(num_trees_mean = 0, num_trees_variance = 50, 
                    alpha_mean = 0.95, beta_mean = 2, min_samples_leaf_mean = 5, 
                    alpha_variance = 0.95, beta_variance = 1.25, min_samples_leaf_variance = 1, 
                    sample_sigma_global = F, sample_sigma_leaf = F)
bart_model_warmstart <- stochtree::bart(
    X_train = X_train, y_train = y_train, X_test = X_test, 
    num_gfr = num_gfr, num_burnin = num_burnin, num_mcmc = num_mcmc, 
    params = bart_params

Inspect the MCMC samples

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_warmstart$sigma_x_hat_test), s_x_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "standard deviation function")


We now sample the σ2(X)\sigma^2(X) ensemble using MCMC with root initialization (as in Chipman, George, and McCulloch (2010)).

num_gfr <- 0
num_burnin <- 1000
num_mcmc <- 100
num_samples <- num_gfr + num_burnin + num_mcmc
bart_params <- list(num_trees_mean = 0, num_trees_variance = 50, 
                    alpha_mean = 0.95, beta_mean = 2, min_samples_leaf_mean = 5, 
                    alpha_variance = 0.95, beta_variance = 1.25, min_samples_leaf_variance = 5, 
                    sample_sigma_global = F, sample_sigma_leaf = F)
bart_model_mcmc <- stochtree::bart(
    X_train = X_train, y_train = y_train, X_test = X_test, 
    num_gfr = num_gfr, num_burnin = num_burnin, num_mcmc = num_mcmc, 
    params = bart_params

Inspect the MCMC samples

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_mcmc$sigma_x_hat_test), s_x_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "standard deviation function")

Demo 3: Mean and Variance Simulation (simple DGP)


Here, we generate data with (relatively simple) covariate-modified mean and variance functions.

y=f(X)+σ2(X)ϵf(X)={6X20 and X2<0.252X20.25 and X2<0.52X20.5 and X2<0.756X20.75 and X2<1σ2(X)={0.25X10 and X1<0.251X10.25 and X1<0.54X10.5 and X1<0.759X10.75 and X1<1X1,,XpU(0,1)ϵ𝒩(0,1)\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} y &= f(X) + \sigma^2(X) \epsilon\\ f(X) &= \begin{cases} -6 & X_2 \geq 0 \text{ and } X_2 < 0.25\\ -2 & X_2 \geq 0.25 \text{ and } X_2 < 0.5\\ 2 & X_2 \geq 0.5 \text{ and } X_2 < 0.75\\ 6 & X_2 \geq 0.75 \text{ and } X_2 < 1\\ \end{cases}\\ \sigma^2(X) &= \begin{cases} 0.25 & X_1 \geq 0 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.25\\ 1 & X_1 \geq 0.25 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.5\\ 4 & X_1 \geq 0.5 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.75\\ 9 & X_1 \geq 0.75 \text{ and } X_1 < 1\\ \end{cases}\\ X_1,\dots,X_p &\sim \text{U}\left(0,1\right)\\ \epsilon &\sim \mathcal{N}\left(0,1\right) \end{aligned} \end{equation*}

# Generate the data
n <- 500
p_x <- 10
X <- matrix(runif(n*p_x), ncol = p_x)
f_XW <- (
    ((0 <= X[,2]) & (0.25 > X[,2])) * (-6) + 
    ((0.25 <= X[,2]) & (0.5 > X[,2])) * (-2) + 
    ((0.5 <= X[,2]) & (0.75 > X[,2])) * (2) + 
    ((0.75 <= X[,2]) & (1 > X[,2])) * (6)
s_XW <- (
    ((0 <= X[,1]) & (0.25 > X[,1])) * (0.5) + 
    ((0.25 <= X[,1]) & (0.5 > X[,1])) * (1) + 
    ((0.5 <= X[,1]) & (0.75 > X[,1])) * (2) + 
    ((0.75 <= X[,1]) & (1 > X[,1])) * (3)
y <- f_XW + rnorm(n, 0, 1)*s_XW

# Split data into test and train sets
test_set_pct <- 0.2
n_test <- round(test_set_pct*n)
n_train <- n - n_test
test_inds <- sort(sample(1:n, n_test, replace = FALSE))
train_inds <- (1:n)[!((1:n) %in% test_inds)]
X_test <-[test_inds,])
X_train <-[train_inds,])
W_test <- NULL
W_train <- NULL
y_test <- y[test_inds]
y_train <- y[train_inds]
f_x_test <- f_XW[test_inds]
f_x_train <- f_XW[train_inds]
s_x_test <- s_XW[test_inds]
s_x_train <- s_XW[train_inds]

Sampling and Analysis


We first sample the σ2(X)\sigma^2(X) ensemble using “warm-start” initialization (He and Hahn (2023)). This is the default in stochtree.

num_gfr <- 10
num_burnin <- 0
num_mcmc <- 100
num_samples <- num_gfr + num_burnin + num_mcmc
bart_params <- list(num_trees_mean = 50, num_trees_variance = 50, 
                    alpha_mean = 0.95, beta_mean = 2, min_samples_leaf_mean = 5, 
                    alpha_variance = 0.95, beta_variance = 1.25, min_samples_leaf_variance = 5, 
                    sample_sigma_global = F, sample_sigma_leaf = F)
bart_model_warmstart <- stochtree::bart(
    X_train = X_train, y_train = y_train, X_test = X_test, 
    num_gfr = num_gfr, num_burnin = num_burnin, num_mcmc = num_mcmc, 
    params = bart_params

Inspect the MCMC samples

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_warmstart$y_hat_test), y_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "mean function")

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_warmstart$sigma_x_hat_test), s_x_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "standard deviation function")


We now sample the σ2(X)\sigma^2(X) ensemble using MCMC with root initialization (as in Chipman, George, and McCulloch (2010)).

num_gfr <- 0
num_burnin <- 1000
num_mcmc <- 100
num_samples <- num_gfr + num_burnin + num_mcmc
bart_params <- list(num_trees_mean = 50, num_trees_variance = 50, 
                    alpha_mean = 0.95, beta_mean = 2, min_samples_leaf_mean = 5, 
                    alpha_variance = 0.95, beta_variance = 1.25, min_samples_leaf_variance = 5, 
                    sample_sigma_global = F, sample_sigma_leaf = F)
bart_model_mcmc <- stochtree::bart(
    X_train = X_train, y_train = y_train, X_test = X_test, 
    num_gfr = num_gfr, num_burnin = num_burnin, num_mcmc = num_mcmc, 
    params = bart_params

Inspect the MCMC samples

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_mcmc$y_hat_test), y_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "mean function")

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_mcmc$sigma_x_hat_test), s_x_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "standard deviation function")

Demo 4: Mean and Variance Simulation (complex DGP)


Here, we generate data with more complex covariate-modified mean and variance functions.

y=f(X)+σ2(X)ϵf(X)={6X4X20 and X2<0.252X4X20.25 and X2<0.52X4X20.5 and X2<0.756X4X20.75 and X2<1σ2(X)={0.25X32X10 and X1<0.251X32X10.25 and X1<0.54X32X10.5 and X1<0.759X32X10.75 and X1<1X1,,XpU(0,1)ϵ𝒩(0,1)\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} y &= f(X) + \sigma^2(X) \epsilon\\ f(X) &= \begin{cases} -6X_4 & X_2 \geq 0 \text{ and } X_2 < 0.25\\ -2X_4 & X_2 \geq 0.25 \text{ and } X_2 < 0.5\\ 2X_4 & X_2 \geq 0.5 \text{ and } X_2 < 0.75\\ 6X_4 & X_2 \geq 0.75 \text{ and } X_2 < 1\\ \end{cases}\\ \sigma^2(X) &= \begin{cases} 0.25X_3^2 & X_1 \geq 0 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.25\\ 1X_3^2 & X_1 \geq 0.25 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.5\\ 4X_3^2 & X_1 \geq 0.5 \text{ and } X_1 < 0.75\\ 9X_3^2 & X_1 \geq 0.75 \text{ and } X_1 < 1\\ \end{cases}\\ X_1,\dots,X_p &\sim \text{U}\left(0,1\right)\\ \epsilon &\sim \mathcal{N}\left(0,1\right) \end{aligned} \end{equation*}

# Generate the data
n <- 500
p_x <- 10
X <- matrix(runif(n*p_x), ncol = p_x)
f_XW <- (
    ((0 <= X[,2]) & (0.25 > X[,2])) * (-6*X[,4]) + 
    ((0.25 <= X[,2]) & (0.5 > X[,2])) * (-2*X[,4]) + 
    ((0.5 <= X[,2]) & (0.75 > X[,2])) * (2*X[,4]) + 
    ((0.75 <= X[,2]) & (1 > X[,2])) * (6*X[,4])
s_XW <- (
    ((0 <= X[,1]) & (0.25 > X[,1])) * (0.5*X[,3]) + 
    ((0.25 <= X[,1]) & (0.5 > X[,1])) * (1*X[,3]) + 
    ((0.5 <= X[,1]) & (0.75 > X[,1])) * (2*X[,3]) + 
    ((0.75 <= X[,1]) & (1 > X[,1])) * (3*X[,3])
y <- f_XW + rnorm(n, 0, 1)*s_XW

# Split data into test and train sets
test_set_pct <- 0.2
n_test <- round(test_set_pct*n)
n_train <- n - n_test
test_inds <- sort(sample(1:n, n_test, replace = FALSE))
train_inds <- (1:n)[!((1:n) %in% test_inds)]
X_test <-[test_inds,])
X_train <-[train_inds,])
W_test <- NULL
W_train <- NULL
y_test <- y[test_inds]
y_train <- y[train_inds]
f_x_test <- f_XW[test_inds]
f_x_train <- f_XW[train_inds]
s_x_test <- s_XW[test_inds]
s_x_train <- s_XW[train_inds]

Sampling and Analysis


We first sample the σ2(X)\sigma^2(X) ensemble using “warm-start” initialization (He and Hahn (2023)). This is the default in stochtree.

num_gfr <- 10
num_burnin <- 0
num_mcmc <- 100
num_samples <- num_gfr + num_burnin + num_mcmc
bart_params <- list(num_trees_mean = 50, num_trees_variance = 50, 
                    alpha_mean = 0.95, beta_mean = 2, min_samples_leaf_mean = 5, 
                    alpha_variance = 0.95, beta_variance = 1.25, min_samples_leaf_variance = 5, 
                    sample_sigma_global = F, sample_sigma_leaf = F)
bart_model_warmstart <- stochtree::bart(
    X_train = X_train, y_train = y_train, X_test = X_test, 
    num_gfr = num_gfr, num_burnin = num_burnin, num_mcmc = num_mcmc, 
    params = bart_params

Inspect the MCMC samples

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_warmstart$y_hat_test), y_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "mean function")

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_warmstart$sigma_x_hat_test), s_x_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "standard deviation function")


We now sample the σ2(X)\sigma^2(X) ensemble using MCMC with root initialization (as in Chipman, George, and McCulloch (2010)).

num_gfr <- 0
num_burnin <- 1000
num_mcmc <- 100
num_samples <- num_gfr + num_burnin + num_mcmc
bart_params <- list(num_trees_mean = 50, num_trees_variance = 50, 
                    alpha_mean = 0.95, beta_mean = 2, min_samples_leaf_mean = 5, 
                    alpha_variance = 0.95, beta_variance = 1.25, min_samples_leaf_variance = 5, 
                    sample_sigma_global = F, sample_sigma_leaf = F)
bart_model_mcmc <- stochtree::bart(
    X_train = X_train, y_train = y_train, X_test = X_test, 
    num_gfr = num_gfr, num_burnin = num_burnin, num_mcmc = num_mcmc, 
    params = bart_params

Inspect the MCMC samples

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_mcmc$y_hat_test), y_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "mean function")

plot(rowMeans(bart_model_mcmc$sigma_x_hat_test), s_x_test, 
     pch=16, cex=0.75, xlab = "pred", ylab = "actual", main = "standard deviation function")


Chipman, Hugh A., Edward I. George, and Robert E. McCulloch. 2010. BART: Bayesian additive regression trees.” The Annals of Applied Statistics 4 (1): 266–98.
He, Jingyu, and P Richard Hahn. 2023. “Stochastic Tree Ensembles for Regularized Nonlinear Regression.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 118 (541): 551–70.
Murray, Jared S. 2021. “Log-Linear Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Multinomial Logistic and Count Regression Models.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 116 (534): 756–69.