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Run the Bayesian Causal Forest (BCF) algorithm for regularized causal effect estimation.


  pi_train = NULL,
  group_ids_train = NULL,
  rfx_basis_train = NULL,
  X_test = NULL,
  Z_test = NULL,
  pi_test = NULL,
  group_ids_test = NULL,
  rfx_basis_test = NULL,
  cutpoint_grid_size = 100,
  sigma_leaf_mu = NULL,
  sigma_leaf_tau = NULL,
  alpha_mu = 0.95,
  alpha_tau = 0.25,
  beta_mu = 2,
  beta_tau = 3,
  min_samples_leaf_mu = 5,
  min_samples_leaf_tau = 5,
  max_depth_mu = 10,
  max_depth_tau = 5,
  a_global = 0,
  b_global = 0,
  a_leaf_mu = 3,
  a_leaf_tau = 3,
  b_leaf_mu = NULL,
  b_leaf_tau = NULL,
  q = 0.9,
  sigma2 = NULL,
  pct_var_sigma2_init = 0.25,
  variable_weights = NULL,
  keep_vars_mu = NULL,
  drop_vars_mu = NULL,
  keep_vars_tau = NULL,
  drop_vars_tau = NULL,
  num_trees_mu = 250,
  num_trees_tau = 50,
  num_gfr = 5,
  num_burnin = 0,
  num_mcmc = 100,
  sample_sigma_global = T,
  sample_sigma_leaf_mu = T,
  sample_sigma_leaf_tau = F,
  propensity_covariate = "mu",
  adaptive_coding = T,
  b_0 = -0.5,
  b_1 = 0.5,
  rfx_prior_var = NULL,
  random_seed = -1,
  keep_burnin = F,
  keep_gfr = F,
  verbose = F



Covariates used to split trees in the ensemble. May be provided either as a dataframe or a matrix. Matrix covariates will be assumed to be all numeric. Covariates passed as a dataframe will be preprocessed based on the variable types (e.g. categorical columns stored as unordered factors will be one-hot encoded, categorical columns stored as ordered factors will passed as integers to the core algorithm, along with the metadata that the column is ordered categorical).


Vector of (continuous or binary) treatment assignments.


Outcome to be modeled by the ensemble.


(Optional) Vector of propensity scores. If not provided, this will be estimated from the data.


(Optional) Group labels used for an additive random effects model.


(Optional) Basis for "random-slope" regression in an additive random effects model. If group_ids_train is provided with a regression basis, an intercept-only random effects model will be estimated.


(Optional) Test set of covariates used to define "out of sample" evaluation data. May be provided either as a dataframe or a matrix, but the format of X_test must be consistent with that of X_train.


(Optional) Test set of (continuous or binary) treatment assignments.


(Optional) Vector of propensity scores. If not provided, this will be estimated from the data.


(Optional) Test set group labels used for an additive random effects model. We do not currently support (but plan to in the near future), test set evaluation for group labels that were not in the training set.


(Optional) Test set basis for "random-slope" regression in additive random effects model.


Maximum size of the "grid" of potential cutpoints to consider. Default: 100.


Starting value of leaf node scale parameter for the prognostic forest. Calibrated internally as 2/num_trees_mu if not set here.


Starting value of leaf node scale parameter for the treatment effect forest. Calibrated internally as 1/num_trees_tau if not set here.


Prior probability of splitting for a tree of depth 0 for the prognostic forest. Tree split prior combines alpha and beta via alpha*(1+node_depth)^-beta. Default: 0.95.


Prior probability of splitting for a tree of depth 0 for the treatment effect forest. Tree split prior combines alpha and beta via alpha*(1+node_depth)^-beta. Default: 0.25.


Exponent that decreases split probabilities for nodes of depth > 0 for the prognostic forest. Tree split prior combines alpha and beta via alpha*(1+node_depth)^-beta. Default: 2.0.


Exponent that decreases split probabilities for nodes of depth > 0 for the treatment effect forest. Tree split prior combines alpha and beta via alpha*(1+node_depth)^-beta. Default: 3.0.


Minimum allowable size of a leaf, in terms of training samples, for the prognostic forest. Default: 5.


Minimum allowable size of a leaf, in terms of training samples, for the treatment effect forest. Default: 5.


Maximum depth of any tree in the mu ensemble. Default: 10. Can be overriden with -1 which does not enforce any depth limits on trees.


Maximum depth of any tree in the tau ensemble. Default: 5. Can be overriden with -1 which does not enforce any depth limits on trees.


Shape parameter in the IG(a_global, b_global) global error variance model. Default: 0.


Scale parameter in the IG(a_global, b_global) global error variance model. Default: 0.


Shape parameter in the IG(a_leaf, b_leaf) leaf node parameter variance model for the prognostic forest. Default: 3.


Shape parameter in the IG(a_leaf, b_leaf) leaf node parameter variance model for the treatment effect forest. Default: 3.


Scale parameter in the IG(a_leaf, b_leaf) leaf node parameter variance model for the prognostic forest. Calibrated internally as 0.5/num_trees if not set here.


Scale parameter in the IG(a_leaf, b_leaf) leaf node parameter variance model for the treatment effect forest. Calibrated internally as 0.5/num_trees if not set here.


Quantile used to calibrated lambda as in Sparapani et al (2021). Default: 0.9.


Starting value of global error variance parameter. Calibrated internally as pct_var_sigma2_init*var((y-mean(y))/sd(y)) if not set.


Percentage of standardized outcome variance used to initialize global error variance parameter. Default: 0.25. Superseded by sigma2.


Numeric weights reflecting the relative probability of splitting on each variable. Does not need to sum to 1 but cannot be negative. Defaults to rep(1/ncol(X_train), ncol(X_train)) if not set here. Note that if the propensity score is included as a covariate in either forest, its weight will default to 1/ncol(X_train). A workaround if you wish to provide a custom weight for the propensity score is to include it as a column in X_train and then set propensity_covariate to 'none' adjust keep_vars_mu and keep_vars_tau accordingly.


Vector of variable names or column indices denoting variables that should be included in the prognostic (mu(X)) forest. Default: NULL.


Vector of variable names or column indices denoting variables that should be excluded from the prognostic (mu(X)) forest. Default: NULL. If both drop_vars_mu and keep_vars_mu are set, drop_vars_mu will be ignored.


Vector of variable names or column indices denoting variables that should be included in the treatment effect (tau(X)) forest. Default: NULL.


Vector of variable names or column indices denoting variables that should be excluded from the treatment effect (tau(X)) forest. Default: NULL. If both drop_vars_tau and keep_vars_tau are set, drop_vars_tau will be ignored.


Number of trees in the prognostic forest. Default: 200.


Number of trees in the treatment effect forest. Default: 50.


Number of "warm-start" iterations run using the grow-from-root algorithm (He and Hahn, 2021). Default: 5.


Number of "burn-in" iterations of the MCMC sampler. Default: 0.


Number of "retained" iterations of the MCMC sampler. Default: 100.


Whether or not to update the sigma^2 global error variance parameter based on IG(nu, nu*lambda). Default: T.


Whether or not to update the sigma_leaf_mu leaf scale variance parameter in the prognostic forest based on IG(a_leaf_mu, b_leaf_mu). Default: T.


Whether or not to update the sigma_leaf_tau leaf scale variance parameter in the treatment effect forest based on IG(a_leaf_tau, b_leaf_tau). Default: T.


Whether to include the propensity score as a covariate in either or both of the forests. Enter "none" for neither, "mu" for the prognostic forest, "tau" for the treatment forest, and "both" for both forests. If this is not "none" and a propensity score is not provided, it will be estimated from (X_train, Z_train) using stochtree::bart(). Default: "mu".


Whether or not to use an "adaptive coding" scheme in which a binary treatment variable is not coded manually as (0,1) or (-1,1) but learned via parameters b_0 and b_1 that attach to the outcome model [b_0 (1-Z) + b_1 Z] tau(X). This is ignored when Z is not binary. Default: T.


Initial value of the "control" group coding parameter. This is ignored when Z is not binary. Default: -0.5.


Initial value of the "treatment" group coding parameter. This is ignored when Z is not binary. Default: 0.5.


Prior on the (diagonals of the) covariance of the additive group-level random regression coefficients. Must be a vector of length ncol(rfx_basis_train). Default: rep(1, ncol(rfx_basis_train))


Integer parameterizing the C++ random number generator. If not specified, the C++ random number generator is seeded according to std::random_device.


Whether or not "burnin" samples should be included in cached predictions. Default FALSE. Ignored if num_mcmc = 0.


Whether or not "grow-from-root" samples should be included in cached predictions. Default FALSE. Ignored if num_mcmc = 0.


Whether or not to print progress during the sampling loops. Default: FALSE.


List of sampling outputs and a wrapper around the sampled forests (which can be used for in-memory prediction on new data, or serialized to JSON on disk).


n <- 500
x1 <- rnorm(n)
x2 <- rnorm(n)
x3 <- rnorm(n)
x4 <- as.numeric(rbinom(n,1,0.5))
x5 <- as.numeric(sample(1:3,n,replace=TRUE))
X <- cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)
p <- ncol(X)
g <- function(x) {ifelse(x[,5]==1,2,ifelse(x[,5]==2,-1,4))}
mu1 <- function(x) {1+g(x)+x[,1]*x[,3]}
mu2 <- function(x) {1+g(x)+6*abs(x[,3]-1)}
tau1 <- function(x) {rep(3,nrow(x))}
tau2 <- function(x) {1+2*x[,2]*x[,4]}
mu_x <- mu1(X)
tau_x <- tau2(X)
pi_x <- 0.8*pnorm((3*mu_x/sd(mu_x)) - 0.5*X[,1]) + 0.05 + runif(n)/10
Z <- rbinom(n,1,pi_x)
E_XZ <- mu_x + Z*tau_x
snr <- 4
y <- E_XZ + rnorm(n, 0, 1)*(sd(E_XZ)/snr)
X <-
X$x4 <- factor(X$x4, ordered = TRUE)
X$x5 <- factor(X$x5, ordered = TRUE)
test_set_pct <- 0.2
n_test <- round(test_set_pct*n)
n_train <- n - n_test
test_inds <- sort(sample(1:n, n_test, replace = FALSE))
train_inds <- (1:n)[!((1:n) %in% test_inds)]
X_test <- X[test_inds,]
X_train <- X[train_inds,]
pi_test <- pi_x[test_inds]
pi_train <- pi_x[train_inds]
Z_test <- Z[test_inds]
Z_train <- Z[train_inds]
y_test <- y[test_inds]
y_train <- y[train_inds]
mu_test <- mu_x[test_inds]
mu_train <- mu_x[train_inds]
tau_test <- tau_x[test_inds]
tau_train <- tau_x[train_inds]
bcf_model <- bcf(X_train = X_train, Z_train = Z_train, y_train = y_train, pi_train = pi_train, 
                 X_test = X_test, Z_test = Z_test, pi_test = pi_test)
# plot(rowMeans(bcf_model$mu_hat_test), mu_test, xlab = "predicted", ylab = "actual", main = "Prognostic function")
# abline(0,1,col="red",lty=3,lwd=3)
# plot(rowMeans(bcf_model$tau_hat_test), tau_test, xlab = "predicted", ylab = "actual", main = "Treatment effect")
# abline(0,1,col="red",lty=3,lwd=3)