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Return each forest's leaf node scale parameters.

If leaf scale is not sampled for the forest in question, throws an error that the leaf model does not have a stochastic scale parameter.


computeForestLeafVariances(model_object, forest_type, forest_inds = NULL)



Object of type bartmodel or bcf corresponding to a BART / BCF model with at least one forest sample


Which forest to use from model_object. Valid inputs depend on the model type, and whether or not a given forest was sampled in that model.


  • 'mean': Extracts leaf indices for the mean forest

  • 'variance': Extracts leaf indices for the variance forest

2. BCF

  • 'prognostic': Extracts leaf indices for the prognostic forest

  • 'treatment': Extracts leaf indices for the treatment effect forest

  • 'variance': Extracts leaf indices for the variance forest


(Optional) Indices of the forest sample(s) for which to compute leaf indices. If not provided, this function will return leaf indices for every sample of a forest. This function uses 1-indexing, so the first forest sample corresponds to forest_num = 1, and so on.


Vector of size length(forest_inds) with the leaf scale parameter for each requested forest.